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UM fashion guide: What do students really wear on campus?

Jul 17, 2023

One of the more fun parts of leaving for college is packing — less fun is deciding what clothing makes it into the suitcase and what stays at home.

For students unfamiliar with South Florida weather, knowing what to pack can be challenging. And with limited dorm space, it’s unrealistic to bring your entire closet.

If you have no idea what clothes to bring, look no further than this fashion guide to know what UM students are really wearing!

Athleisure and loungewear

If you’ve been watching college lookbooks on YouTube and planning outfits for the first week of class, know this — it won’t last. Unless you’re truly committed to stepping out in style every day, defaulting to athleisure is inevitable.

The unofficial UM uniform consists of sweats, workout sets, sneakers and other clothes that could easily double as sleepwear. Remember: when you wake up late for that 8 a.m. class across campus, comfort always wins in the end.

Going-out clothes

While Monday-Friday daytime wear is usually casual, weekend fits are another story. UM students taking on the city can be seen in everything from flowy skirts and mini dresses to collared shirts and expensive-looking sets. For frat parties, the infamous crop top and jeans paired with white sneakers never misses.

Whether you’re more into parties and expensive dinners or sightseeing and lowkey outings, you’ll want some nicer clothes that show off your style and photograph well for Instagram.

Anything to beat the rain

If you don’t own a raincoat or an umbrella, buy one! Miami is known for its rainy weather, and you don’t want to be caught walking to class in torrential downpour. Future you will be eternally grateful for the rain gear in your backpack.

A winter coat or sweater

I’ll never forget my first Miami winter. Coming from a colder climate, I left an abundance of winter clothing at home because “Miami is always warm.” But when fifty-degree weather rolled around one January weekend, I swiftly regretted that decision.

While sunny and hot is the norm, several weeks in winter come with cold, windy weather. Most of your chunky sweaters and heavy jackets can stay home, but make sure to bring at least one for those chilly weeks.

Swimsuits and beachwear

Living in Miami means you’ll visit the beach at some point. Though I personally only own three swimsuits (working on it), many UM students dedicate an entire dresser drawer to bikinis, one-pieces, swim shorts and cover-ups. Bring your favorite pieces from home or save some money for a swimwear splurge once you get to school.

Green, orange and UM apparel

You’ll rarely take a stroll through campus without seeing someone wear a UM sweatshirt, baseball cap, or any number of clothing items that rep the U. School spirit is high all year round, and the fashion on campus reflects that.

With football season coming up, save the last-minute trips to the mall and bring a few generic tops in our school colors. Love you, Go ‘Canes!

Photo credit: Jared Lennon